
Michael Tessler Unpacks AI, exclusively at Cloud Connections 2024, Cloud Communications Alliance Newsreel

Written by Amy Ralls | Mar 21, 2024 8:45:29 PM

How to integrate AI into everything that we do, how do we use AI to really jump to the next level.

“One of the things I want to do at the session is motivate the alliance members to think about how to integrate AI into everything that we do, how do we use AI to really jump to the next level, and how we can continue to be competitive, out for new capabilities, services to our customers, which is something that the alliance has been all about since the beginning,” says Michael Tessler, Managing Partner at True North Advisory. Michael Tessler Co-founded and was the former CEO of BroadSoft, a global leader in cloud communications. His experiences and insights include the things that created the cloud communications industry as we know it.

At the upcoming Cloud Connections 2024 event, Michael will be unpacking AI, but with a different angle than many people might have heard before. “I've been doing work with some large enterprises trying to understand how to diffuse the AI capabilities, how those capabilities might enable our service providers to create new capabilities for our clients, for end users, how to have them engage with their end-users,” adds Michael.

In this short reel, we learn about how Michael is looking at AI and the next frontier of new opportunities for the cloud community.