
Podcast: Ribbon Implementing Successful Partner Campaigns

Written by Amy Ralls | Jun 24, 2020 3:17:28 PM

In UC you can have a brilliant product but no sales if there’s no plan or path to reach the customer. In a market largely reliant on partner companies, the point of vulnerability can stem from a lack of resources for marketing at the channel level. In this podcast, Becky Kendrick, Channel and Partner Enablement Marketing Director at Ribbon Communications, outlines how Ribbon counters this challenge by offering its partner community an easy to access, easy to use and easy to implement portal that has the content and media the partners need, practically in a ready-to-go, ready to deploy state. Kendrick outlines how Ribbon generates content and then purposes it for the partners to customize, grab and go. Kendrick offers use cases and outlines her promotional recommendations. “It’s all about time and resources,” says Kendrick, noting that by offering ready-made content, the partners can conduct successful campaigns without having to tie up resources. She notes that Ribbon can take partners by the hand to make it all happen.

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