Legitimate calls being labeled spam, lack of visibility, FCC policy lagging behind technology, TelNet Podcast

Mark Iannuzzi of TelNet Worldwide takes a fresh look at a long-term challenge, calls for changes

“Our telecommunication policy that started in 1996 and how service providers interconnect their network was based upon TDM technology, but here we are in 2024 and we know that IP is the rule of the roost,” says Mark Iannuzzi, President of TelNet Worldwide. We need the FCC to step up and to update the regulations so that the carriers, in fact, do play by a new playbook for interconnecting their network on an IP basis. And if we do that, now you have an end-to-end system.”

Recorded just before last month’s Cloud Connections Conference, and just after a committee of the CCA met with the FCC, this podcast covers some of the stickier challenges of the STIR/SHAKEN era. Along with the benefits and steps forward of STIR/SHAKEN, Mark discusses how a legitimate organization with legitimate needs to call contacts, can be labeled spam, and not know it. Mark explores these problems along with a call for policy reforms and refresh.

The CCA’s Government Affairs Committee, which Mark discusses, is a key and core activity of the CCA, as the CCA works to retain communication by phone as a critical link for organizations and people.

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