TADHack: the largest global hackathon focused on programmable communications since 2014, Podcast

TADHack is the largest global hackathon focused on programmable communications since 2014. The event has helped tens of thousands of developers and innovators use programmable communications (UCaaS, CPaaS, CCaaS, AI, vCon, IVR, Telecom API, etc.) to solve real-world problems). TadHack will take place in the weekend before Enterprise Connect 2024, and the winners (there’s a $3K prize) will be announced on Tuesday at a scheduled event at EC24, at the Gaylord in Orlando. The hackathon will take place at the nearby Valencia College West Campus, in person and online.
In this special Cloud Communications Alliance and TR Podcast, Alan Quayle Founder TADHack, TADSummit and Thomas Howe, of Strolid, discuss why everyone should consider participating: “Innovation is not the sole domain of developers, everyone can innovate,” says Quayle. Thomas Howe, of Strolid, discusses their creation, vCon, being standardized by the IETF, a PDF for conversations.
Strolid is a sponsor. They created. It's going to be important for all communications companies in our industry.
What may be interesting for your audience is at TADHack we have 2 categories of entries: Showcases and Hacks. Explained here in the rules: https://tadhack.com/2024/hackathon-rules/.
Hacks are what developers create. A Showcase could be an idea about how a UCaaS, CCaaS, Conferencing, or good old telco could use vCon. Strolid wants to see application ideas, and Showcases get free publicity at TADHack, and in the EC24 session. A showcase is simply a short video about the idea, with perhaps a couple of slides. We've had Showcase submitted since the first TADHack in 2014.
Innovation is not the sole domain of developers, everyone can innovate.
TADHack enables developers (hack) and innovators (showcase) to share ideas on using the TADHack sponsors’ technologies (STROLID with vCon). A showcase is simply a short presentation of an idea about how you can use the sponsors’ technologies in your business.
Previous TADHack sponsors include: Cisco, RingCentral, Jambonz, Avaya, Telnyx, Subspace, Simwood, Sagoma, NTT, Flowtoute, Matrix, Tropo, Temasys, Ericsson, Vidyo, Telestax, Symbol.ai, Stacuity, Huawei, Oracle, Ubuntu, Google, Nexmo, and more.