Understanding Cisco Hypershield: A dispatch from the frontlines of the cybersecurity struggle, Podcast

“If you think about it from a cybersecurity perspective, how do you defend as an organization what you don't thoroughly understand?” asks Stephen Aiello, Field CISO at AHEAD. “For most organizations, when you think about the age of a lot of large-scale organizations, they've grown, they have developed over time. A lot of them have grown through acquisition and just the legacy infrastructure and the size and complexity of the infrastructure is really, really challenging for most organizations to manage. You build and build and build over time. And then people retire, people move. It just worked with a large insurance firm, a global insurance firm. And they were talking about one of their cloud environments. And they said, you know, none of the people that built this environment work here anymore. Like nobody really knows how it was stood up.”
In this podcast, a frontline CISO and an active member of the Cisco Advisory Board, describes the challenge from the inside out, including the real-world challenge of kit-bashed networks, assembled over time and different IT leadership teams, along with the ongoing challenge of a cybersecurity threat that changes by the hour. Stephen Aiello walks us through the issues and discusses Cisco Hypershield. “We've been saying that we want to get security as close to the asset or as close to the data as possible.” We discuss how Cisco Hypershield answers that need, especially in light of industries that not only have special IoT needs, but also operate under a rigorous regulatory structure.
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