Removal of BPO Innovate from the RMD

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued an order removing the certification of BPO Innovate from the Robocall Mitigation Database (RMD). This action was taken because BPO Innovate failed to meet specific requirements set by the FCC. These requirements are part of the FCC's effort to combat illegal robocalls and protect consumers.

Here's a summary of the key points:

Issue with Certification: BPO Innovate was required to certify that their phone traffic was authenticated using STIR/SHAKEN.

Failure to Respond to Traceback Requests: BPO Innovate did not respond to multiple requests from the Industry Traceback Group (ITG) to trace back the origin of calls, which was a violation of their certification commitment.

Incomplete Robocall Mitigation Plan: The company's certification was supposed to include a detailed plan on how they would avoid originating illegal robocall traffic. However, the plan they submitted did not meet the FCC's standards.

Opportunity to Correct Deficiencies: The FCC gave BPO Innovate chances to correct these issues. However, BPO Innovate did not respond or make the necessary changes.

Removal from Database: As a result, the FCC removed BPO Innovate’s certification from the RMD. This means other providers are not allowed to accept voice traffic from BPO Innovate.

Restrictions on Refiling: BPO Innovate is prohibited from refiling in the RMD without approval from the FCC’s Wireline Competition Bureau and the Enforcement Bureau.

Here is a link to the FCC Order.

Cloud Communications Alliance

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