Crosspeer and Ezuce Join Forces to Offer Unified Communications in the Cloud

Crosspeer Cloud and Ezuce are leading the way in the post-PBX era in providing innovative, cost-effective Unified Communications solutions in the cloud to Enterprises across the globe.
Las Vegas, NV, May 17, 2013 --( Crosspeer Cloud, the leading Open Cloud IAAS provider and Ezuce, the leader in Enterprise Unified Communications have forged an alliance to deliver Enterprise Unified Communications Solutions on the Crosspeer Open Cloud Computing Infrastructure.
"We are delighted to be working with Ezuce and their expert team of communications technologists," said Salvador Diaz-Verson, CEO of Crosspeer. "Their suite of Unified Communications products delivered from Crosspeer's Open Cloud IAAS can provide enterprises with a complete set of tools and advanced communications functionality that can help them to be more productive, more cost-efficient and globally reachable from any communications device at any time. The Ezuce solution is a fraction of the cost of competing technologies and the Crosspeer Cloud enables enterprises to deploy a best-of-breed communications system with zero CAPEX." Unified Communications (UC) is the integration of real-time communication services such as instant messaging, presence, IP telephony, video conferencing, interactive white boards and speech recognition with non-real time communication services such as unified messaging, voicemail, email, SMS and fax. Unified Communications allows an individual to send a message on one medium, and have it received on another medium. For example, one can receive a voicemail message and choose to access it through email or a cell phone. UC products such as those developed by Ezuce, expand the reach beyond voicemail to include real-time data communications, collaboration and integrated messaging from a variety of communications technologies into a single platform. OpenUC, the flagship product from Ezuce is a complete unified communications solution for enterprise communications including voice, video, instant messaging, presence, conferencing, collaboration, unified messaging, call center and mobility. Features and functions include everything a company needs to manage an enterprise-grade communications system at an unprecedented price-point. Ezuce also maintains the code base for sipXecs, an open source unified communications and collaboration project available from the SIPfoundry development community. The sipXecs system is not as full-featured as OpenUC, but it is quite popular with open source enthusiasts, and can be deployed easily on the Crosspeer Cloud. "Crosspeer Cloud is the perfect platform on which to deploy communications systems such as OpenUC," remarked Patrice Haftman, CTO of Crosspeer. “OpenUC is full-featured, easy to use and priced cost-effectively for today's enterprise which mirrors the Open infrastructure and cost advantages of Crosspeer Cloud. Our flexible computing infrastructure allows for all server resources to be selected and scaled independently, enabling systems such as OpenUC and sipXecs to be tailored to each customer's needs while keeping their computing costs as low as possible. The ability for Crosspeer customers to assign a True Static IP address to a server and not deal with NAT issues makes communications server deployments on Crosspeer Cloud easy and hassle free." It is an undisputed fact that the Telco PBX died with the advent of VoIP, and as IP communication continues to evolve, premises-based communication servers are now moving to the cloud. Crosspeer Cloud in particular, not only offers immediate cost savings, but also simplifies server management and provides instant scalability. "Crosspeer Cloud is at the forefront of the next generation of communications," remarked Diaz-Verson. “Exciting new technologies in voice and video communications integrated into ordinary web applications will usher in the next wave of IP communications. Crosspeer Cloud is poised to help make it happen."
Cloud Communications Alliance

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